German Film and Television Academy Berlin

Another project for the development of the Tempelhof airport in the sense of usage for the arts, culture and creative industries is the examination of the settlement possibilities for the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (DFFB). As the main lessee in a selected part of the building, the DFFB could provide the initial spark for the establishment of the Tempelhof Screenworks Media Campus.

In spring 2019, a team of external planners and engineers was commissioned to develop the requirements program for a media campus at the Tempelhof airport. Their conclusion was that implementation in Hangar 5 would be simpler and therefore more cost-effective. The DFFB's goal is to use Buildings 5 and 5a, with the hangar as the centerpiece, cooperatively with other partners.

Since the renovation and tenant-friendly expansion of the hangar will take several years from the point financing is secured and the DFFB's lease at its current location at Potsdamer Platz expires in 2025, the DFFB will initially use space at another Berlin location.

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